1. The purpose of the Achievement Scheme is to provide a graded series of levels of piloting competence. It will give clubs a measure of the abilities of their members and also serve as a set of proficiency goals for the members. The manoeuvres at each stage are chosen to assess the ability of a pilot to control a model with confidence and safety rather than as a demonstration of aerobatic perfection.
2. The Bronze Standard provides a means for recording the attainment of solo piloting ability by the novice flyer to permit unsupervised flying to take place.
3. The Silver Standard provides a measure of piloting safety competence sufficient for the pilot to be considered suitable for performing at public displays or demonstrations.
4. The Gold Standard is provided for pilots wishing to demonstrate a very high level of control and safety in operation.
5. The aim is to achieve certification of all SAA members to a minimum of Bronze Standard.
6. The scheme provides a means for SAA Examiners to be rated and appointed so that the scheme can be administered at club level.
7. An examination coordinator will be appointed by the Safety Committee Chairman for each discipline. Examination coordinators will be members of the Safety Committee.
8. The Achievement Scheme may also provide a standard of competence for establishing entry to National competitions and club events where a particular safety requirement exists.
NOTE: It is assumed that all initial integrity checks have been carried out.
1. Airframe integrity, control linkages and operation to be checked as specified in Section 5, Club or Group Flying Conduct.
2. Start engine. It is strongly recommended that, where possible, assistance is used in the starting of I/C engines. In the case of a junior member, it is considered to be essential that they are assisted by an adult. Pilots must display that they are "in control of the procedure and must tell the assistant those actions which they are required to perform. The role of the assistant is to help minimise dangers such as, for example, placing parts of the body in the arc of the rotating propeller. They may also be required to perform those functions more safely carried out from behind the running engine when instructed to do so by the pilot.
3. Use of the MAC check is recommended in carrying out pre-takeoff checks. Meter reading normal. Aerial extended fully. Control operation normal.
4. Controls should be checked at idle, then full power, BUT NOT ON THE RUNWAY. One cannot hear warnings, e.g. "Dead Stick" when standing beside an aircraft with the engine running.
5. Remember that the examiners are assessing the whole flight for anticipation, shown by a lack of unnecessary flying around between manoeuvres. Do not fly at an excessive height as this demonstrates a lack of confidence in ones own ability. The examiners are looking for both competence and confidence, as both of these qualities are part of safe flying. At the same time remember that OVER-confidence is usually allied to under-COMPETENCE and can be even more dangerous.
This test is conducted at club level and comprises the following:
1. Carry out pre-startup checks.
2. Start engine.
3. Carry out pre-take-off checks.
4. Take off and complete a right (or left) hand circuit and overfly the take-off area at a height of around 50 feet and fly a procedure turn.
5. Fly a left (or right) hand circle beginning and ending over the take-off area and fly a procedure turn. Circle to be performed on the safe side of the strip with the pilot on the outside of the circle.
6. Fly a right (or left) hand circle beginning and ending over the take-off area. Circle to be performed on the safe side of the strip with the pilot on the outside of the circle.
7. Fly a rectangular circuit and landing approach.
8. Land, (wheels to touch within a pre-set area as designated by the examiner), preferably with engine running.
9. Provided that the previous items have been completed satisfactorily, the candidate will be asked to carry out a further take-off and circuit, during which the examiner will ask for the throttle to be closed and the model landed safely on the runway without re-opening the throttle.
10. Remove model and equipment from take-off / landing area.
11. The applicant must answer satisfactorily two questions on the SAA Safety Code and Recommended Procedures.
12. The above schedule must be completed within one flight at which two attempts will be permitted at the same session.
This Certificate must be applied for at Area Level. The test comprises the following:
1. Carry out pre-startup checks.
2. Start engine.
3. Carry out pre-take-off checks.
4. Take off, and complete a procedure turn onto the downwind leg for the first manoeuvre.
5. Fly a flat Figure of Eight course with crossover point aligned with the pilot.
6. At downwind end of strip complete a half Cuban Eight.
7. Fly into wind and complete two inside loops aligned with the pilot.
8. At upwind end of strip complete an Immelman turn.
9. Fly downwind and complete one outside loop downwards from upright and aligned with the pilot.
10. At downwind end of strip complete a Split S (Half roll followed by a half inside loop.)
11. Fly two consecutive rolls upwind centred on the pilot.
12. At upwind end of strip carry out a stall turn.
13. Fly two consecutive rolls, of the opposite hand, downwind.
14. At downwind end of strip complete an Immelman turn.
15. Fly into wind and carry out.a three turn spin aligned with the pilot.
16. At upwind end of strip carry out a half loop.
17. Fly a downwind inverted pass before rolling upright.
18. Complete a procedure turn, continuing into an overshoot into wind.
19. Carry out a rectangular circuit and landing approach.
20. Land (wheels to touch within a pre-set area as designated by the examiner).
21. Remove model and equipment from take-off and landing area.
The above schedule must be completed within one flight at which two attempts will be permitted at the time. If tasks 1 to 13 have been satisfactorily completed and the engine cuts during the spin, the applicant will only be required to carry out the inverted pass, overshoot and landing in the subsequent reflight. In addition to the above flying schedule, the applicant must answer satisfactorily five questions on relevant safety matters on the SAA Safety Code and Recommended Procedures. For LMA recognition, additional elements are required.
This Certificate must be applied for at Area Level. Applicants must already have passed at Silver level but the flights may be consecutive. For this test, a much higher standard of manoeuvres is expected, with a very high standard of positioning. In radio control power Gold tests, all manoeuvres must be consecutive - one on each pass. The test comprises the following:
1. Carry out pre-startup checks.
2. Start engine.
3. Carry out pre-take-off checks.
4. Take-off, carry out a procedure turn to return downwind for the first manoeuvre.
5. Fly a reverse Cuban Eight with the crossover aligned with the pilot.
6. At the downwind end of the strip perform a half Cuban Eight.
7. Fly upwind and perform two consecutive loops aligned with the pilot.
8. At the upwind end of the strip perform a stall turn with a half roll in up and down legs.
9. Fly downwind and perform three consecutive rolls centred on the pilot.
10. At the downwind end of the strip carry out a Vertical Reversal with either a half roll in the upline or a quarter roll in both up and down lines. (Optional wind correction)
11. Fly upwind and perform a four point roll.
12. At the upwind end of the strip perform a half Reverse Cuban Eight with two points of a four point roll in the upline.
13. Fly downwind and perform two consecutive rolls, first in one direction, second in the opposite direction.
14. At the downwind end of the strip perform an Immelman turn.
15. Fly upwind and perform two outside loops downwards.
16. At the upwind end of the strip carry out a half outside loop.
17. Fly a downwind inverted pass.
18. At the downwind end of the strip perform a Vertical Pullthrough.
19. Fly upwind and perform a vertical eight starting at the middle.
20. At the upwind end perform a Split S.
21. Fly downwind and perform a slow roll.
22. At the downwind end perform a half square loop followed by a half roll.
23. Fly a minimum speed pass upwind ending in a stall, and one turn spin aligned with the pilot.
24. Continue with a rectangular approach and land in the designated area.
25. Return model and equipment to model pound on completion, and satisfactorily answer any questions related to Safety Code, Recommended Procedures or Instructing Practice as required.