New member and general information.
If you're new to the hobby, choose a suitable aircraft i.e. a model suited to your current flying experience, not the one that looks the best in the shop but you won't be able to control.
​Be aware of any model flying rules and regulations as set out by your country's governing body.
It is now a legal requirement to be registered with the Civil Aviation Authority before flying any model aircraft or drone. Use buttons above for further info.
Select your flying site carefully, and always check to see whether flying an rc aircraft is permitted in the area that you want to fly.
​Check whether any kind of public liability insurance is needed (it usually is for club flying). If your aircraft damages property or, even worse, people, then you could be in for a multi-figure damages claim. Yikes!
Search out any local clubs in your area. If you don't want to join, at least talk with members about flying outside of their space; MHz frequency control is a serious issue and can't be ignored.
Be very aware of proximity to houses, roads, schools etc. and keep as far away as possible. The larger and clearer the open space for radio control flying, the better.​
Carry out those essential pre-flight checks and, very importantly, the range check.
Respect that not everyone likes rc models! Noisy airplanes should be flown at rc flying club fields or well away from public ears.
Be very aware of your radio gear battery levels at all times. A drop in charge after lots of flying will result in the aircraft going out of range, and out of control. Very bad in a public place.​
Fly within your skill limitations. We all need to push the envelope a bit, that's how we progress, but pushing it too hard too fast can have nasty results.
Use common sense, keep it safe, sensible and responsible at all times.
Have fun!!!!!
The power systems available for your prospective model are :-
(1) The IC (internal combustion) 2 & 4 stroke engines are in the minority now as electric power is just as powerful and more reliable.
(2) Electric power. This has changed dramatically in the last few years with the huge advancement in electronics, motors and battery technology.
(3) The Air Gliders, slope soaring, bungee or winch launch, or electric motors to chase the thermals
(4) Jet engines Still pretty exclusive mainly due to the expense and facilities.
Control systems (Transmitters, receivers, and servos), Required for all above.
We use both 2.4GHz and 35MHz radio frequencies. There is a peg board control system which is used for both frequencies. Transmitters are normally mode 2 ( throttle on left ).
Model Aircraft
(1) Fixed wing There are many different models to chose from, for the beginner, a high wing model is the preferred choice, either an Almost Ready to Fly, or for the enthusiast built from plans.
These models when the C of G is correct and is trimmed out, the model will fly itself in level
(2) Moving wing
The helicopter bought ready to fly is basically difficult to learn to control.
We control transmitters with channel numbered pegs.
It is essential that a peg is acquired before switching on any transmitter.
The frequency is found on the Tx and Rx crystals. Below is a comparison chart
35 MHz Channel-Frequency chart
55 - 34.950, 56 - 34.960, 57 - 34.970, 58 - 34.980,
59 - 34.990, 60 - 35.000, 61 - 35.010, 62 - 35.020,
63 - 35.030, 64 - 35.040, 65 - 35.050, 66 - 35.060,
67 - 35.070, 68 - 35.080, 69 - 35.090, 70 - 35.100,
71 - 35.110, 72 - 35.120, 73 - 35.130, 74 - 35.140,
75 - 35.150, 76 - 35.160, 77 - 35.170, 78 - 35.180,
79 - 35.190, 80 - 35.200, 81 - 35.210, 82 - 35.220,
83 - 35.230, 84 - 35.240 85 - 35.250, 86 - 35.260,
87 - 35.270, 88 - 35.280, 89 - 35.290, 90 - 35.300.